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Construction Schedule

Q29. What work has actually been started on site?
A. Alsunut has already started construction of the roads & infrastructure in Almogran CBD.

Q30. When can I start construction on my plot?
A. Construction of Almogran CBD has already commenced. Assuming a developer has received all approvals for the project, construction could start on most of the plots within the CBD immediately. In fact, several projects have already started construction. The exception would be for the several plots that front on to the White Nile embankment – construction on these plots will be allowed to start during the 3rd quarter of 2006. The construction schedule for Al Mogran Residential Estates is scheduled to break ground in the 3rd quarter of 2006.

Q31. When will infrastructure services be completed – i.e.. when can I “turn on the lights” and open my doors for business?
A. The roads and infrastructure construction program will result in substantial completion off all works by mid 2007. Final development of all parks, landscaping, street furnishings, etc. is programmed for 3rd quarter 2007.


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